Writing Is A Matter of CHOICE

Nothing influences a child’s attitude to writing more than the choice of topic. If the child is given control over topic choice and if the teacher displays genuine interest in that choice, then there’s usually no limit to the effort the young writer will make. Young writers who are given this power soon develop confidence in choosing appropriate topics for their writing. They are engaged in thinking and preparing for the writing that will later spill onto the page. Occasionally I hear teachers lament, ‘They’re (meaning inexperienced writers) not good at choosing something to write about.' The logical response is, ‘What can you do to assist them to improve this aspect of their writing processes?' Actively teaching the inexperienced writer to make good choices, showing them how to identify a suitable focus for their writing, and harvesting ideas are excellent places to begin. Topic choice is an inexact science. It takes time and practice to better understand wh...