What Do Teachers Mean By 'Independent Writing?'

It always concerns me when student writers approach the task of writing, lacking any sense of freedom to explore and manipulate ideas. They commonly experience emotional blocks when it comes to making decisions. A distinct lack of confidence is evident. They ask questions of their teachers such as: How much should I write? Should I use paragraphs? What should I write about? Is it okay to write about...? The term 'independent writing' is an accepted phase within the writing workshop, but a closer examination reveals the writing taking place at this point is all too frequently, independent in name only. All too often young writers can be observed working on an assigned writing task and the questions they ask indicate they are a long way short of being independent and self directed. This scenario suggests the whole notion of independent writing may require a significant rethink in such classrooms. -And yet, in other classrooms I gain a sense that the writers are ...