Living Life Twice For Ten Years!

This year represents ten years in existence for this humble little blog- Living Life Twice. It is with equal amounts of surprise and delight that it continues to bubble along. Almost 750 posts have been shared across that time.

It all began back in 2008 as an attempt to further support the teachers and students I worked with in schools. I thought of the blog as an efficient way to connect with teachers from different settings, many of whom indicated  similar needs when teaching writing. It continues to motivate many of my writing life thoughts.

A further motivation was my own writing experience while in grade 5 many years ago. I did not want today's students to have a similar negative learning experiences with writing. We were not taught how to write. We were mostly told what to write. Our teacher owned the topic and the genre. We were even denied the opportunity to rehearse our writing ideas. The teacher controlled everything. it was our task to respond as best we could. It lacked any resemblance to an authentic writing task. It was the antithesis of what we know to be effective practice

 Those 'lessons' are etched clearly in my conscious memory. The very first blog entry in 2008 concerned itself with those far off days. It was titled, 'Memories of Red Pen People.'  I later used those experiences to help me write the narrative poem, 'Writing Time With Miss Dungeon' included in my 2016 poetry book, 'I Bet There's No Broccoli On The Moon.'

I share a reading of the poem with you now, as way of commemorating of 10 years of Living Life Twice. Just click the link to hear the poem.


  1. Congratulations Alan! I loved listening to you read Writing Time with Miss Dungeon. Memories of Red Pen People from Igniting Writing is one of my favorite passages to share with teachers when we begin to explore practices to encourage writers. I love visiting your page whenever you have something written. Here's to many more years of writing!

    1. Thank you Elsie. Your unstinting support has always been much appreciated. I'm glad memories of Red Pen People has been of service in this quest we share for more effective practice around writing.

  2. Congratulations! Your Writing has inspired and taught me. Keep blogging!

    1. Thank you for your kind remarks Terje. Like Elsie you have been both an inspiration and a support across the years.


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