Tuesday Slice of Life Story- The Moon and Me

The moon has been a recurring theme in my writing. As a boy I pondered much thought regarding its magnificence. I would lie in my bed staring out the window imagining i could see a face on that distant orb. I witnessed Neil Armstrong's first tentative steps upon its surface while viewing a somewhat grainy black and white television set during my first year of teaching. I have stood under its full beaming reflection in the middle of Australia's heartland and marveled at the light it provided in that vast open space. I can still hear my father crooning the words, 'Blue moon, I saw you standing alone...' The moon even features in the title of my latest book of poetry. The moon has featured in many phases of my life.

Last night, the moon once again made itself known to me and today these words emerged in my notebook before landing here.

The Moon And Me

The moon seems bright
In the sky tonight.
It glows like a child's smile.
I witnessed its great majesty close to midnight
when I took my dog out for her end of evening snuffle and wander.

In all honesty,
I should have lingered longer.
-And paid the moon its due attention.
But for me and the moon,
It is an enduring relationship of fleeting admiration.

Its always been like that
for the moon and me.


  1. The moon does have a magical spell that it casts on us mere mortals. Love the title of that book. :-)

    1. The moon does indeed cast a magical spell Elsie. The book title, well that took almost as long to decide as the writing of the poems included within it. However,I'm pleased with it. I even explain the process of deciding on the title in the book itself.

  2. I never, never, never tire of the moon. And I love how I feel connected to loved ones when we are miles apart but chatting under the same moon. Great book cover!

    1. I like your connection to loved ones and the moon Alice. Glad you like the book cover too. i'm most pleased with it- as well as the poems inside.

  3. I agree with Elsie, Alan. Your title is intriguing and I am sure it leads to many other fine poems inside. The moon has a draw for many people.

    1. The moon has great drawing power as you say Carol. it is something we all get to share. Glad you found the book title intriguing. Titles need to intrigue.

  4. I watched your moon last night while I was out on a snuffle and wander with my old dog. It was beautiful indeed.

  5. Our dogs do us great service Molly. Snuffle and wander time allows us to experience some valuable revelations.


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