Let's Stop Calling Them Reluctant Writers

I have never been a fan of the term, reluctant writer . I firmly believe all kids want to be able to write with ease. What the hesitant writer needs to build is, confidence and self-belief. Every teacher at some time has to struggle to help a student overcome self-doubt about their abilities. To grow confident, self-directed readers and writers requires a lot of teacher investment. When teachers create a classroom climate that encourages risk taking, values mistakes as a learning opportunity and works consciously to build trust, students begin to engage with greater certainty. Children who experience positive learning experiences feel successful and supported. When a learner has such experiences a greater energy surrounds that person. Blaming kids and labelling them reluctant does nothing to address the reasons for the student’s behaviour. Where the teacher controls most aspects of the writing from topic to genre, there is little incentive to buy in. Choice...