The Annual Slice of Life Writing Challenge Begins in MARCH!

The Annual Slice of Life Story Challenge is soon to begin. I commend this writing challenge to all teachers of writing. It is not only the challenge of writing and posting each day that makes it a worthwhile task, it is the self discipline it engenders. It is an opportunity to invest in yourself as a writer and opens up so many writing possibilities. I commend it to you. I have taken part in this challenge for a number of years, and can assure you of  the benefits that flow from participating. 

The new expanded team at Two Writing Teachers  is looking forward to hosting the Seventh Annual Slice of Life Story Challenge,  commencing Saturday, March 1st, 2014.  

I encourage you to take part in this 31 day writing challenge by sharing a story about your day, every day, during the month of March.  In order to keep things interesting, they have a bunch of prizes for participants, which Dana Murphy will announce later this month.  

Not everyone is guaranteed a prize in March, but if you write and link for 31 days you will be entered to receive a prize. Some prizes include professional and children’s books, journals, artwork, etc. They also offer prizes during March for reaching certain goals.

Are you up for the challenge? Here’s what you need to do:
  • Write and post a Slice on your blog starting on March 1st. Remember, a Slice is a little segment of your day.  For more information go to
  • Copy the unique URL (this is the link that goes directly to your blog post, not just a link to your blog).
  • Visit the Two Writing Teachers “Call for Slices” post every day during the month of March.  (The call for Slice of Life stories will go live daily at 12:01 a.m.  In order to be in the running for a prize you must link your slice of life story by 11:59 p.m. EST. (That’s US time) They’ll be keeping a spreadsheet of the people who submit their link daily to expedite the giveaway process in early April.)
Paste the unique URL in a comment with a short snippet about your Slice. Here is an example: 

My Slice:  What the extra hour of Fall Back is really for:
  • Read and comment on at least three other Slicers’ posts. 
Betsy Hubbard created a new Slice of Life Story Challenge Button. Two Writing Teachers would be honoured if you posted it on your site. You may grab the button by going to  
 But wait,  that’s not all!  This year is the second year they’re hosting an online Classroom Slice of Life Story Challenge.  Anna Gratz Cockerille will run the Classroom Challenge this year.  For more information about bringing this challenge to your classroom point your browser to


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