Summer's Potential for Writing…

It’s the end of another Australian school year, so I am aware of the level of exhaustion that abounds in schools, and the need to tie up a multitude of loose ends prior to school closing for the summer holidays. Teaching becomes a race to the finish line. The last week of school seems to take the longest time of all the many school weeks.

 I am also aware that on summer’s horizon teachers will have some free time to relax and regenerate their energy reserves.- A time for relaxation, holidays, family and recreation. For those of you who have intentions of adopting a new approach to aspects of your teaching in 2013, may I suggest that the summer holidays might present a great opportunity to embrace the inner writer and embrace your very own writer’s notebook. I know many of you read extensively when you are on vacation. Free of the pressure of the classroom, it is possible to indulge in more personal reading; becoming re-acquainted with favorite authors, or to read that book you received as a gift. It seems logical to add a little writing to your extra time. If you do this, it will mean that when the new school year begins you will have compiled a sampling of text that will assist you to model aspects of writing to a fresh group of students. It will afford you immediate writing credibility with your students. You will have captured summer memories, made lists, gathered artefacts, made drawings, gathered photos etc that will assist you to connect more easily to the writing lives of your students. You will be able to say, ‘Like you, I am a writer! Like you I make time for things I consider to be important.’ -Well, that’s the hope!

I urge you to get started over the break. Don’t put it off until the school year begins. It will be too late then. -overwhelmed by a myriad of demands and organizational matters –you get the picture, I’m sure.  The world is full of people who espouse good intentions. The challenge is to turn one’s self into an action figure.

Just as you want your students to make a good start to the school year, you should expect the same for yourself.  I’m not suggesting you to write to a rigid schedule, just quarantine a little time to document some of the rich pickings of your summer. It will be a great investment in designing curriculum – and its painless! The more you write, the more you see possibilities. I am not suggesting that you dedicate yourself to just writing about summer exclusively. As always you should focus on matters that are important to you. Maybe your reading may spark your writing, who knows?  

I’m sorry, but there is no better time to send this message. I need to reach you now while you still have your educators cap on. Hopefully, it isn’t pulled down over your eyes and your hands aren’t over your ears.

This summer, don’t just dive into the surf. Dive into some writing. Try to approach writing, in the same manner that many so often approach summer reading. The writes of summer could be the stimulus to launch a great new school year in 2013! I can’t offer a free set of steak of knives with that, but I know it comes with certain intrinsic rewards.

As you close the door on your classroom for the final time in 2012, make sure you have your notebook with you...

feelings, dreams, family history, daily activities, ideas, sketches or poetry. Information and insights for yourself or have others share. Record the life of others - holidays, visits to and from families, cultural and special events, holiday observances, New Year, rituals, coming of age, weddings, christenings, school days, leaving school, entering work, going to tertiary education, trips overseas, birthdays, funerals, parties. photos, clippings, articles, references, certificates, drawings, keepsakes,ephemera, artifacts and other original material.


  1. Great post Allen. One of the best things I have ever done to improve my teaching of writing was to do more writing myself. My blog, a secret novel, doesn't matter. The struggle of getting words to paper. The joy when a piece turns out like I want it to. The satisfaction of just trying....I take it all back to the classroom with me in August. And starting that habit during the summer made it difficult to stop once school started. I think my students benefit because I know what they are going through.


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