Reflections on a Writing Year...

I read this morning that globally, 2011 was as stinky as a teenager’s bedroom, so maybe it’s just as well we are about to put a lid on it. It must be said though, it wasn’t all bad; it’s never is completely one way.

From the perspective of this little blog, it was quite a good year. I want to spend a little writing time reflecting on the fortunes of Living Life Twice…

I am pleased that this humble attempt to support my fellow teachers of writing has been so well received since its inception in 2008. The readership has grown steadily- this makes my heart sing.

I want to sincerely thank those of you who drop by regularly and take the time to leave a response. Your time investment is most appreciated. The feedback informs me, guides me and sustains me. Particular thanks to Linda at teacherdance, Deb Day, and Elsie who regularly drop by. Thank you also to those of you who have tweeted and emailed across the year.

Thank you to guest bloggers Elaine Hirsch and Lindsey Wright for their respective contributions this year, -new voices adding to the mix.

Thank you to those of you who have purchased copies of my book, 'Igniting Writing-When a Teacher Writes.' Your generous support has been heart warming. The book continues to spread out into new frontiers. It is currently undergoing an update, with additional sections being added.  An international book fair in Amsterdam next year is beckoning., so I am in for a busy summer of writing, - and rewriting.

I am going to take time over the Australian summer to read, write and relax. I will continue to be an explorer of my world, harvesting ideas and collecting notebook entries. Like so many of my colleagues I need to restore and recharge, so the pace of my life will consciously slow a little over the coming days and weeks. Remember, not everyone who meanders is lost!

So what does summer hold?
Family time and beach days
Catch up time with friends
Deeper reading and sustained writing
Watching cricket
Listening to music everyday
Daily writing opportunities
Some painting and photography
Rewriting an updated version of ‘Igniting Writing’
'The occasional bottle of wine' (Jimmy Buffett quote)

In 2012, I look forward to presenting at the VATE (Victorian Association of Teachers of English) Conference in April. ALEA (Australian Literacy Educators Association ) National Conference in Sydney in July

Working with Critical Agendas (professional learning providers) to spread the word about effective writing programs

Working with Hawker Brownlow Education, to present a series of writing workshops and continuing my on going consultancy work across schools including a project in Hamilton, Victoria on students and teachers using writer’s notebook

Stay safe blog followers. May your writing efforts be rewarding and may ideas flow to you freely. Best wishes to all for a happy and rewarding 2012. If you drop by, please leave a comment. Visitors are always welcome here...


  1. Popping in to check out what you've been doing--and how honored I am that you mentioned me in your blog. I look to you for inspiration many times, so I'm happy that my comments help "sustain you".

    And, as odd as it seems to me to say on Dec 30 in the middle of a snowy day, enjoy your summer. You have earned a well deserved break!

  2. No, I should be thanking you for always giving me something to think about through your observations or pushing me by the quality of your writing to be a better writer. Thank you, I look forward to sharing more thoughts with you.

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  4. This article beautifully captures the essence of reflection and gratitude, highlighting the author's journey in supporting fellow teachers of writing. The sincerity and warmth expressed towards readers, guest bloggers, and supporters resonate deeply, showcasing the power of community and collaboration in the teaching profession. The author's dedication to continuous learning and growth, as well as their commitment to sharing knowledge and experiences, is truly inspiring. As the year draws to a close, the article serves as a reminder to embrace moments of rest and rejuvenation, while also looking forward to new opportunities and adventures in the coming year. Overall, a heartfelt and uplifting reflection on the joys and challenges of teaching and writing.
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