Guess What I Found On Page 23?

When searching for mentor samples or craft examples you might consider this.

Gather some of your favourite books in a pile. Then, select a random page number (I chose 23) and open each book at that exact same page and let your eyes rove the page carefully in search of those special words that catch your attention and generally appeal.

Record what you are drawn to. Write the words you find straight into your notebook or your computer, if you prefer. Look at the assembled words carefully and let your writer’s eye take over. Notice the words, the craft, the language structure.

We are merely practicing the art of reading like a writer. You might actually find some pearls in your word search. Pearls you can put to further use in your important work as a teacher of writing.

Remember, not everyone who wanders is lost. We are afterall, explorers.
My Notebook Entry:

‘Everything has a value, Provided it appears at the right time in the right place. It’s a matter of recognizing that value, that quality, and then transform it into something that can be used…’
Jurgen Bey


  1. This is such a great idea! I can also see this as a lesson with my creative writing students talking about word choice and sentence fluency. Students could find lines that speak to them and then try to mimic the style in their own piece....hmm..something to think about!

  2. I love this idea. I think students would also find it to be challenging and fun...while learning something about the writer's craft.

  3. i am amazed at the connections. What a great idea.


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