Effective Writing Instruction -Do You See What I See?

When one steps into a Writing classroom it is implicit that the following components be present in the structure of the writing workshop:

Instructional Groupings

Whole Group

• Teacher demonstrates a writing strategy or skill using either a mentor text and/or their own writing.

• Anchor charts are created (with student input) as resources to support writing development.

• Students engage in meaningful conversations around their writing, using think/pair/ share, turn and talk, peer conferences etc.

• Adequate time is provided for writing rehearsal and review and reflection.

Explicit links are constantly made between reading and writing.

• Writing tasks undertaken are purposeful and authentic.

Independent Work

• Students actively engage in writing tasks or confer with peers or the teacher.

• Students may read and/or research as they explore aspects of a particular genre or craft strategy as part of the inquiry of text structures and features during the initial stages of a genre study.

• The teacher confers with students as a co-writer posing questions to drive the further development of the student writer.

Small Group
• Teacher may meet with students with similar needs and interests to provide specific assistance.


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