Take Home Writing Kits!

Another Way To Improve Writing In Your Classroom –Mission Possible!

The idea of developing a “Take Home Writing Kit” is a chance to enhance the home school connection, AND at the same time assist your students in their development as writers. As teachers we place tremendous emphasis on children reading at home to encourage their literacy development.Unfortunately, we have not been as passionate in our efforts to develop the home-school writing connection. Writing is frequently viewed as an individual activity where the parent plays the role of supervisor, rather than a support person.

Through the idea of the “Take Home Writing Kit, we can assist students to develop a positive self image about themselves as writers as well as providing extra opportunities to practice the skills and strategies necessary to improve their writing. In this way we promote writing as an essential partner to reading in the home.

To set up your writer’s kit you will need to acquire a small carry case, or backpack and then decorate and label it so that it becomes a stand out resource. Following this, you need to fill it with an assortment of materials that will delight the hearts of your young writers. E.g. markers, pencils, pens, assorted papers, card, envelopes, stickers, stencils, glue sticks, scissors, etc.

Once you have set up your kit, it should be presented to your students along with an explanation of how you want it to be used to further support them in becoming effective writers.

You will need to set up a borrowing system to monitor the use of the kits and you will also require a method for allowing your students to share, display and publish the writing they bring form home to the classroom.

The writing that is generated could be stored in a ‘special volume’ that is made available to all members of the class to read. You might also consider sending this collection of writing home with students as well.

Sara Coeyman, a young teacher from Brooklyn,NY took up the challenge of implementing these kits with her kindergarten class. Sara was astounded how much writing this simple project generated among her eager young writers. She set up a display area for their writing, but this quickly filled, so she organised special books to store all the writing, drawings, maps that the children created. the children rarely forgot to return the kit and parents added new resources which thrilled the students and their teacher. By the end of their first school year, Sara had a class of confident self directed readers -and writers.

How To Introduce The Writer’s Kit:

Dear Parents,

It is with great pleasure that I announce that your child has use of the Take Home Writer’s Kit tonight. You can help your child experience the pleasure of being a successful writer. Below are some tips on how you can support your child to become a more confident writer.

Talk to your child about the writing that he or she is doing at school. You now have the opportunity to work together to further the development of their writing.

Discuss and write about things together that interest you. Think about the funny things that have happened to you, your favorite animal, a favorite book, a recipe, a list, a family story, a short biography, a strong memory, a childhood experience. All these things can provide a writing model for your child to follow. It is wonderful for your child to see you writing as well. You don’t need to write a lot, but at least let them see you writing.

Your child may be taking home this writing kit to finish publishing a piece of writing that they have been doing in class. If this is the case, encourage and assist your child. We want our children to do their very best and be proud of what they do.

Their writing may consist of many things – a letter to a friend or relative, a poem, a drawing, a map, a report, a memoir, a recount of an experience, a song, a play etc.

Above all enjoy this special writing opportunity for your child and yourself. Remember, that your child should be encouraged to take responsibility for the writing. Resist the temptation to take over.

Ways To Care For The Writer’s Kit:

• Please make sure that everything is put back where it belongs before it is returned to school.

• If anything breaks, or runs out please try to replace it or put something new in the kit as a replacement.

• Make certain the kit comes back with your child tomorrow. We have many keen young writers in our class who are all very eager to to take home this special kit.

• If you would like to donate materials to the Writer’s kit, please feel free to do so. We greatly appreciate anything you have to spare such as extra markers, pencils, pens, paper, glue sticks, stickers, stencils, lettering guides and the like.

Happy Times Writing!

Heading home with the take home writing kit!


  1. Thanks for this post. I have a briefcase that I am planning to use for a take home writing case this year and I had some ideas but will add your thoughts to my planning.


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